Monday, March 16, 2009

the escape

this is not a

venus escapes

this drawing was inspired by the women who were brave enough to pursue their dreams;
only to be used for the pleasures of a hardened world.
the price of what they lost cost more than they had ever dreamed.

"Human trafficking takes root in industries that already are known to have labor violations — sub-poverty wages, no benefits, no labor relations, and illegal immigrants. Traffickers lure poverty-stricken females with false promises of high-paying jobs as house cleaners, nannies, and models. Many times, drugs are forcefully induced to facilitate kidnapping. The traffickers slip the victims across the border and are often dumped in unsafe or illegal living and working conditions. Far from home, their personal identities, passports, birth certificates, identification cards, and address books are also taken away. By the time the females realize they have been duped, it is too late for them to escape. Once inside the U.S., the entrapped women and girls are forced into prostitution, pornography, and other forms of sexual exploitation under the most distressing conditions."

Taken from

On the psychological damage:

“The young women have been in captivity for a period of weeks to months or years. Initially there is shock and disbelief. Many young women describe not being able to believe that they had been sold. … Once they realize that in fact they are sold, they fight the brothel owner’s demand that they accept customers. Refusal leads to beatings, being locked in a room, and going without food. This persists until the young woman gives up and realizes that indeed they are trapped and have no options.… At some point in this process, the young woman becomes submissive in order to avoid further beatings and torment; her ‘spirit is broken.’ She surrenders, becomes resigned and accomodates to the circumstances of captivity.”

For more information


Toronto, Canada News:

Sex Slaves, a documentary film expose:

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